Kiama Council has released its Annual Report for 2022-23.
The Annual Report provides information on Council’s progress towards achieving the objectives and strategies contained in the Community Strategic Plan and the Delivery and Operational Program.
The Report includes:
- Blue Haven Annual Report
- Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Annual Report
- Facility reports on Libraries, Waste Services, Destination Kiama, The Pavilion, Kiama Coast Holiday Parks, Kiama Leisure Centre, Parks & Gardens, Communications and IT
- News stories, updates, stats and area demographics
The report also includes legally required information, including:
- amount of rates and charges written-off during the year
- details of any overseas visits by Councillors, Council staff or other persons representing Council
- Mayoral and Councillor expenses and cost of provision of facilities in relation to their civic duties
- details of all Government contracts over $150,000
- summary of amounts incurred in relation to legal proceedings
- total amount granted to financially assist others (community groups, grants, etc.)
- information relating to external bodies, corporations, partnerships and joint ventures entered into
- information relating to Council’s Equal Employment Opportunities management plan and other human resources activities
- statement detailing the steps taken to ensure that goods and services procured by and for council during the year were not a product of modern slavery within the meaning of the Modern Slavery Act 2018
- Statement of total number of persons who performed paid work on 23 November 2022
The Annual Report 2022-23 was prepared in accordance with section 428 of the Local Government Act and the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Guidelines.
The Report does not contain Council’s financial statements for 2022-23, which are still being audited by the NSW Government.
These will be reported to Council once the audit is complete.