
Plasrefine public submissions extended

November 2, 2023 11:11 am in by

More than 300 public submissions have been lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) about the Amendment Report in relation to the Plastics Recycling Facility proposed at Moss Vale.

Public submissions officially closed at midnight (1 November).

A Wingecarribee Council spokesperson said ” Despite the November 1 deadline, the DPE has advised Council that residents can still put in submissions directly to the Department until November 15.

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Wingecarribee Council requested an extension for the purpose of providing the submission to
Council’s meeting scheduled on 15 November.

The DPE granted an extension until 16 November to make its final submission once endorsed at that Council meeting.

The Moss Vale Matters group has strongly opposed the Plasrefine plant citing concerns about the environmental impact, traffic flow, an the social impact on the Moss Vale township.

Spokesperson Vanessa Russell said, ” Moss Vale Matters has always said ‘No’ to the facility and the revised DA has done nothing to change that stance.”

Plasrefine submitted a revised Development Application after Council expressed concern about inconsistency with the adopted Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor Development Control Plan, inadequate provision of water, sewer and transport infrastructure, community health and amenity concerns, and the lack of a social impact statement.

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Wingecarribee Shire Council General Manager Lisa Miscamble said “Community members are encouraged to come along to that meeting 15 November meeting.”

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 a project can be declared to be a State Significant Development (SSD), for economic, social or environmental reasons. The Plasrefine proposal has been deemed to be SSD.
