Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre is coming to Bay & Basin Area to provide face to face appointments. Bay & Basin Community Centre, 34 Paradise Beach Road Sanctuary Point, Tuesday 22nd October 2024, 10:30am to 2:30pm.
A solicitor from Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre will be visiting your area for legal outreach
Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre provides free legal advice to residents of the Shoalhaven,
Eurobodalla, Bega Valley, Snowy Monaro & Queanbeyan/Palerang Local Government Areas.
Shoalcoast solicitors are experienced in resolving many types of legal problems.
When: Tuesday 22nd October 2024
Where: Bay & Basin Community Centre, 34 Paradise Beach Road Sanctuary Point
Times: Between 10:30am to 3:30pm
Appointments are essential – please call 1800 229 529
Appointments can be made for many types of legal problems. Shoalcoast deals with most noncommercial areas of law, including consumer credit and debt, family law involving children and
separation, victims’ compensation, personal safety or domestic violence issues, Centrelink problems,
employment and tenancy.
Shoalcoast also offers telephone advice & information. Phone our staff to complete a client intake
and a solicitor will call you back or an appointment will be made for the next time we visit your area.
Shoalcoast can also provide community legal education for groups and organisations. Please contact
our office if you are interested.