
Traffic surveys continue across Shoalhaven

February 9, 2024 9:38 am in by

Seasonal fluctuations in population in the Shoalhaven means that the warmer months of the year are typically the busiest for traffic and pedestrian surveys.

This is business as usual, and Council is reminding its residents and holiday makers not to be alarmed when seeing traffic survey equipment across the road network.

Recently, Council staff has been fielding numerous inquiries from the public regarding the sudden appearance of “black boxes” across the road network.

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There was 170 of these boxes across Nowra-Bomaderry, which was part of a large-scale traffic survey conducted by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to understand the current use and performance of the road network and will inform the Nowra bypass and transport improvements investigation.

While Council conducts its own traffic surveys periodically, the recent much larger survey by TfNSW was primarily aimed at further understanding holiday traffic conditions. More information about the Nowra Bypass and Transport Improvements project can be found here.

Council’s own surveys will be continuing in February, with 20 more sites being monitored for traffic and pedestrian movements, and a further 190 locations monitored for traffic, however these will be distributed more broadly throughout the City, so won’t be as imposing as the recent TfNSW surveys.

Traffic and pedestrian monitoring is undertaken by all road authorities for a range of reasons, including:

  • Understanding the impact on our road assets.
  • Help us ensure that any current traffic or pedestrian crossing treatments are fit for purpose and are suitably designed for current and forecast traffic and pedestrian volumes.
  • Identifying improvement works, which may then need to be programmed, or grant funding sought.
  • Help with road design and maintenance regimes.
  • Help with local traffic and pedestrian investigations.
  • Help us to attract grant funding for fixing or improving local infrastructure.
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To seek more information head to Council’s website.
